Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2013 Let's do this.

2012 was a good year- busy! but good. Nothing earth shattering just a good solid year.

We have ALL made our new years resoulutions and if anyone is like me (I hope I am not alone!) we've already fell off the bandwagon of one or two of them.

Yep. Already. But not to fear- 357 days is still better then none. Its never too late to start again.

My new years resoulution in no particular order of importance are:

Gym Time- Use the Crossfit memebership I am already paying for.

Healther living- clean (er) eating

Financial Freedom!
At least a better understanding of how, where and why I spend my money.

Family Vacation! Look out disney world!

To become a Master Seargent in the United States Air Force Reserve
(I am eligible, I just need my commander to hand me stripes- Hint, Hint Major).

At least 2 posts a week- baby steps...

A better understanging of social media and to use it!

This year I made it a point to not make a goal of "loosing 20lbs" but if I use the gym and learn to eat better the end result will be the same simular. The power of positive thinking!

What are your new years resoulutions??

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